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Re: Poles and Emus

Try copper "bottom" paint used for the bottom of boats.
----- Original Message -----
From: rick valley <bamboogrove@cmug.com>
To: permaculture <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: Poles and Emus

Re: poles:
Rot occurs mainly at the humus line- so rather than use a total soak, you
concentrate your toxics of choice (like motor oil) there, and maybe at the
cut end as well, and so use less.
Copper is one toxic I have seen used- copper pennies driven in, or
wire wrapped around. But copper'll be dear in your situation, no?
Charring helps both with preservation and opening the wood to receive
But don't fall asleep while tending the fire like I do.
Bamboo just won't do it in ground contact situations. But for above ground,
smoke it to preserve it.

Re: Emus:
My only experience with emus is with a very mellow bachelor male named Mel
Gibson. (My friend the owner says its for his eyes) He pastures with Arabian
horses. But at the holiday craft market in Eugene, the eggs make a fine
medium for scrimshaw: the dark enamel outer layer has white beneath, lending
the eggs great for cameo-type effects when carved, very flashy.
Anybody have any experience with emus or rheas on natural range, ie without
200 lbs/mo. grain ration?
What I've been wondering about since watching turkeys herd with the cattle
Linnea Farm in BC, is how about ratite/ungulate polycultures? Like, can the
birds get their kicks w/coyotes? Is this the permaculture digest or what?
;) -R

Rick Valley Northern Groves
PO Box 1236, Philomath, OR 97370
Mobile-(541)602-1315, hm.& msg. (541)456-4364  Bamboo catalog $3 or at
"Useful Bamboos and other plants< Permaculture education< Ecological design
consultation centering on water,landform and horticultural systems"

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