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Re: Catfish

>A friend of mine wants to find a new, larger home for a small nut growing
>catfish that has lived in her aquarium.
>I have a 12,000 gallon, smallish pond (24' x 60' x 3') with mosquito fish,
>tadpoles, frogs, snails, dragonflies, and other assorted small critters.
>There are also several varieties of plants like cattails, water hiacynth,
>water lilly and papyrus.  It is a very happy pond, clear and thriving.
>Is the catfish a good addition, or what problems might I run into?  I'd
>appreciate hearing your opinions.
>Eric Storm

Eric the first thing you need to consider is the temperature of the 
water.  It is likely that the catfish is a tropical one and the water 
temperature in the continental US (I have made an assumption here) 
does not support the life of a tropical cat.

If the water temps are sufficient to support the life of the cat they 
do eat all the critters that you mentioned above.  Not usually a 
problem for a big cat in a big pond.

The other thing about topical cats is that they get very big.  Could 
get up to four or five feet.

If the water temps support your cat fish it probably would be a 
wonderful home foe him or her.

Hope this helps.



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