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Re: What to do with an emu?

the emu craze took off here about 5 years ago & there are still a surprising
number of emu farms in existence in the driftless area.  I actually helped build
a strawbale emu house some years back.  traditionally I would imagine the use of
the emu has to do with harvesting the birds when they are mature & then making a
meticulous & respectful use every part of them.  many people in our community
here have used emu oil & it works very powerfully, like say aloe or
echinacea...  its sad however that the way Emus come to exist here is that there
was speculation going on about emu farming as the new wave of farming the
breeders were able to ask excessive prices, seemed very exploitative at the

whats wrong with having an emu as a pet in a permaculture landscape, seems to me
that pets, exotic or otherwise, should be a legitimate part of any permaculture
village design.  my son for instance, will not eat any eggs or chicken because
they are his friends, but yet he derives just as much or more use & pleasure
from them as us carnivores.