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What to do with an emu? -Reply

well, rumour has it that Ozzies found many uses for sheep so perhaps...

>>> Mikal Jakubal <mjakubal@asis.com> 12/09/00 08:17am >>>
Does anyone have any experience with emus in a Pc setting? Emus are
popular get rich quick scheme around here. Lots of people try them only
find out it's actually more work than they want to do, or the birds become
pets and the owners don't want to butcher them. So, now and again
there are
free emus. (Sometimes they're just let loose, and you hear these "found
emu--please claim" ads on the radio.) I have the, um, opportunity to get a
breeding pair for free. Foolishly, I'm going to go look at them tomorrow. 

But what the heck good are they if they're not eaten? My critters are for
companionship or useful tasks they perform while alive (ducks eating
etc.). I could never kill something that big. They'd be fun to have roaming
around (I guess...), but I'm wondering how they'd earn their keep on my
place. I envision having to build extra strong fences to keep them off the
road, then shelling out money for truckloads of food every month. 

My next stop this evening is a Web search for basic emu info, but if
knows how they might fit into Pc, I'd love to hear it!


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