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Soliciting Articles on Medicine & Healing for the Activist

We're editing issue #45 of The Permaculture Activist. The theme is Medicine and Healing, and we're soliciting articles, short and long, ideally with illustrations of some sort. We can take the long view on healing in that it needn't be specific to healing humans. Animals and ecosystems qualify.

Given that The Activist is North American, articles should be useful for those on that continent, but relevant submissions from elsewhere are welcome if the logistics can be worked out. Article deadline is February 1, 2001. Contact us for details.

We can take submissions in almost any form (eg Mac or PC), but prefer to receive documents as UNFORMATTED text in email. Please leave the formatting to us.  Any length piece from 1000 to 2500 words would be fine (A typed, single-spaced page is about 400 words.). If you have graphic illustrations of concepts in the essay, or photographs, please feel free to include them. All materials can be returned if needed.We send complimentary copies of the published issue to contributors and are open to barter arrangements for advertising, etc.