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Re: Information

On Sun, 12 Nov 2000 08:26:50 -0500, "Nepal Permaculture Group"
<npg@earthcare.wlink.com.np> wrote:

Welcome to the permaculture mailing list, Raj. 

>I would like to request you for publication or any other relevant
>information that you can share with us. Please send them to the address

I am delighted to hear about your organization. 
Individual subscribers to this may share information with you
privately and I am sure you will read much useful information right
here in this list. I look forward to your participation in this forum
and would like to hear about what your group is doing in Nepal.

Lawrence London
permaculture list owner

>I would be glad to answer your queries.
>Looking forward to hearing from you in near future.
>With best regards,
>Raj Maharjan.
>P.S.: Please kindly acknowledge receiving of this message.

Lawrence F. London, Jr. 