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Re: permaculture digest: November 09, 2000

Frank says:
> Limestone ledges, escarpments support steeper 
>slopes. You can see rock ledges in some areas especially near top of slope.

This is sounding pretty steep indeed. And limestone often means underground
drainage; any caves in the county? For that matter, any ponds? The SCS (now
RCS) & others have been so busy (almost like beavers) that if an area is easy
for ponds there are usually lots. But like people are saying, if you can't do
classic keyline stuff, you can still adapt the principles to your site and
conditions- you work out your own local tactics, perhaps. Like, any time you
drop a tree or cut a blow-down, you leave the pieces you don't take away
arranged to fit the pattern you are establishing.

> In some areas it
>creates real bogs in spring rainy season.

Annnnd... where are the bogs (if any) in the dry season?

>Slopes are I'd say from 5-8 perhaps a bit steeper at the very top near the 
>ridge lines. 

shouldn't be impossible to play around a bit.

>I've looked at the topos of the farm area, but they are not very detailed at

>such a scale.
 don't need to be to get a quick idea of how to proceed investigating.
They'll give a quick overview of the landform.
>I plan to improve forest for sustainable timber production. So...I will need

>to provide trails, skid ways, etc., to allow me to harvest the timber
>destroying the woods, and their beauty. My goal is not to maximize timber 
>production but to have a well diversified forest that supports wildlife, 
>etc., and allows for nature walks, trails, etc.

So a keyline-type road layout would really help; you could even be looking
towards yarding paths enhancing the pattern.


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