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RE: Wood for cooking

we are coppicing all the woody weeds for cooking, this includes
indian coral trees which need high temp to burn (we use combustion stove)
we don't use the weed: oleander because it is toxic.
we use lantana twigs.
we also use the saw dust from coral and willow trees for rooting powder.

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-----Original Message-----
From: Sharon Gordon [mailto:gordonse@one.net]
Sent: Sunday, 29 October 2000 10:08
To: permaculture
Subject: Wood for cooking

I wanted to check and see what people are doing for wood for cooking
and how they are conserving it.

One of the best solutions I think is solar cooking which is the maximum
conservation.  But at other times wood cooking is a helpful solution.

For wood, I am familiar from pictures with the Lorena stove which is
very wood conserving.  And I have also seen a drawing of a stove which
looks to be made from a #10 can (about a foot high) which has holes at the
bottom.  I understand
that food can be cooked quickly using very small twigs.  I'd like to know
more about this if anyone has any more information or experience.

Haybox cookers or thermos cooking also are fuel conserving.

What sort of things are you using for fuel?


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