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Re: Mollison Class

I was at the Mollison Class and enjoyed it immensely. I'd never heard
Mollison in person before and he seemed in fine form - beginning the event
with his story of eating a delicious human thigh in Russia and finishing off
the event with a retelling of his ever popular "fish tale " !

One of the highlights was a slide show presentation of the goings-on at the
Macedonian refugee camp that PRI director Geoff Lawton was called in to

Three young Macedonians from the camp were on hand to show us the incredible
impact PC has had on them personally and especially on the conditions at the

In a period of 6 months - 1 year, they've cleaned up hygiene problems, dealt
with flooding, provided better housing and are even negotiating with an
Italian company to export their surplus of sun-dried tomatoes !! ( all of
this contrasts sharply with proposals by traditional relief agencies like
Oxfam et.al who apparently were suggesting that the refugee camp be turned
into a soccer field, while another organization suggested a millitary
training grounds ....).

The organizers of the event, Victor Guadagno and Kippy Clark, did a great
job of keeping things running smoothly and feeding the troops.

Finally, the real star of the show was the site itself - a 15,000 acre
abandoned millitary armaments plant that may potentially become the showcase
non-pareil for PC in North America -  Never thought I'd see the words "Eco"
and "Industrial" in the same sentence, let alone modeled before me.
There's even talk of turning it into the PC "Academy" ...

I hope much comes of this project .....


----- Original Message -----
From: "EFMonaco" <EFMonaco@compuserve.com>
To: "permaculture" <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 5:17 PM
Subject: Mollison Class

Would someone post some notes or comments on or about  the recent Mollison
class in the USA?  -- for those of us who couldn't make it.  Lee Flier are
you out there?
Gene Monaco

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