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Does anyone else have other parts of the web that make an ecovillage

At 08:31 19/10/00 EST, Robert Jensen wrote:
>Hello folks,
>This string is really interesting.    The philosophy of human communication 
>dynamics and how to stay in tune and harmonise with a group of people.
>My experience suggests, it is possible to maintain common interests for 
>varying lengths of time, because people simple have different needs and 
>Perhaps another way of planning eco-village concepts is to plan for the 
>volatility of human nature and recognise the interest in coming together for 
>a common cause, whilst at the planning stage also plan for the inevitable 
>Again from my experience, giving certainty to the drawing together and 
>drawing apart means that when the time comes, there is no confusion as to 
>what is owed by one to another.   Thus relieving a great amount of the angst 
>in separation.
>Perhaps another way of saying this is;  as ye sow, so shall ye reap, just 
>make sure you add fertiliser and water along the way *smile*
>Let the debate continue to rage, there are wonderful issues being discussed 
>Best wishes
>>From: "John Schinnerer" <johns@eco-living.net>
>>Reply-To: "permaculture" <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
>>To: "permaculture" <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
>>Subject: Re: Ecovillage stuff
>>Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 10:53:16 -0700
>> > naturally,
>> > the more personal relationship/friendship there is between the owner and
>> > lease-takers, the smoother it will work.
>>...IF the more personal relationship does not lead to unspoken assumptions
>>and leaving out explicit contractual details (if one chooses to go with the
>>business-contract model)..."oh, I know him/her really well, no need to get
>>picky about the fine print."  A recipe for disaster later on...and of
>>course business contracts are broken every day, with varying consequences.
>>There's no "escape" from fundamental human relatings; not in "consensus,"
>>"democracy," "dictatorship," or anything else.  Not much in formal PC
>>curriculum/practice invites to this either...a missing piece, work to be
>>John Schinnerer
>>Cultural & Ecological Designing
>>Human Habitat Design
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