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Re: Ecovillage workshop in Australia

my 5 c:

> want to hear. How do others out there do it? The only possible arrangement
> I can conceive of right now would be a Benevolent Dictatorship, having had

benevolent dictatorship has the drawback  that only immature people (those
who long for daddy lording benevolently over them) or fools will go for it,
because then they are at your whim. and while you might trust yourself, i
doubt that any sane person would base a life and big personal and possibly
financial investment on that.
the simple solution would be the straightforward business-relationship. you
are owner and other members are leasing from you parts of the property (for
their houses, enterprises, etc) or specific rights of usage (good details
you can find under the topic "commonworks" in chapter 14 of the designers
manual). appropriate contracts give the other members security of
investment, and clear terms of what needs to happen for anyone to be kicked
out (cancellation of contract) or sued (forced to keep contract). naturally,
the more personal relationship/friedship there is between the owner and the
lease-takers, the smoother it will work.

another, more family-like (utopian) solution can be the true anarchy: no one
rules, neither an individual or small group (dictatorship), nor a minority
(consensus) nor a majority (democracy), but everyone goes about their
business responsibly, finding agreement only with those that are immediately
affected by any particular project (before i dig a hole for my pond in your
garden i talk about it with you). obviously, conflic resolution is the key -
i might think you are not affected by my pond because it is only next to
your garden thus do not listen to your nagging, but you do feel affected
because you are afraid of an increased slug problem and oppose the idea of
me diggin there. a prior agreement (initial consensus) about an overall
design masterplan (zoning) might help avoid some conflicts. but in the end
only generous and sensible people will succeed with such an approach - but
it sure is worth working on it...

good luck with it!
