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Re: Ecovillage workshop in Australia

Mikal Jakubal wrote:

> The workshops sound really interesting, especially the Introduction to
> Ecovillage Design and Development, but the location is a bit far away for
> me right now. Has the curriculum been put into any books or Web-accessible
> form? I'm particularly curious about the "13 key issues of social design."
> Eleven years ago I co-founded a community land trust/intentional community
> that had serious problems from the start.

can you say a bit more about this community, what was it called, where was it, how
many people, is it still functioning? etc.

> I left it about six years ago I
> came here,

where are you now & what kind of land base do you have?

> and I'm now thinking of making my place here into a sort of
> Pc-based mini village (say, 5-8 people with houses, gardens and craft shops
> for site-based cottage industries). But, the bad experiences at the first
> place, and very negative impressions of and experiences with other
> "communities" and collective projects have left me rather skeptical. I
> still have too many unanswered questions to open the door to all the
> potential problems of a group project. Doing this alone is difficult, but
> still easier than always having to fight five other people just to get
> anything done.

I have had an opposite experience.  Indeed working with a  group is extremely complex
& not always fulfilling in the way one would expect,  but compared to what I can
accomplish on my own, the impact is far greater.  It seems to me that the great
majority of our issues have been centered around living together & getting along &
when it comes to the permaculture projects here we have a great deal of flexibility
for everyone to come together to help during planting, harvesting, mulching times &
then room for each to pursue their own interests.


dreamtime village  | zone 4 sw wisc

> Mikal
> "When I hear the word 'consensus' I want to run screaming."