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Re: Permaculture pattern languages

It's an interesting challenge to recognise and work with the patterns in Nature, as they are often so great and chaotic that the actual 'pattern'can escape our perception. What we see many times are fragments of larger patterns.
What is important is the perception of how these patterns change both regionally and over time. Working with them is an exercise in detatchment as there are no ideals.....only archetypes in movement.
I am working with patterns of indicator plants (weeds/herbs) and how I can use them for the initial work of reafforestation and agroforestry, particularly in abandoned pastures. Instead of working with static patterns of species to be planted on a grid system, I use the same species selection and plant them according to the indicator species and their relative percentages in the given area. Obviously this scheme of pattern planting is basically usefull where there are not heavy infestations of exotic weeds. This planting leaves both gaps to be cultivated intensively and at times dense plantings of pioneer species that quickly call on the flush of secondary species. The management process also is an exercise in detatchment and can follow no hard and fast rules........sound chaotic......the changing patterns of life!!!
Regards   Pete Webb     forest.gardener@terra.com.br