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(fwd) Permaculture Design Course

On Thu, 05 Oct 2000 20:56:32 GMT, in alt.permaculture
teryani@my-deja.com wrote:

Learn Permaculture on an Intentional Community in Oregon!

Lost Valley Education Center—an intentional community working on
sustainable culture--is having it’s10th Annual 2-Week Permaculture
Course December 3 - December 16, 2000

This intensive 2-week course brings together three of the northwest's
practitioners and teachers of permaculture. If you are seriously
in permaculture, this course is a great way to dive in.

This course, covering both the theory and practice of
permaculture, will create an in-depth learning situation that will
participants to achieve a working knowledge of permaculture design
and implementation. The course will include hands-on projects,
lectures, discussions, slide shows, field trips and design projects.
Topics will include:

          Permaculture philosophy and methodology
          Observation skills and site analysis
          Natural cycles and pattern recognition
          Ponds, swales and keyline systems
          Soil building, erosion control
          Animals and their place in the system
          Edible landscaping, organic gardening
          Integrated pest management
          Agroforestry management and tree crops
          Appropriate technology and housing
          Energy conservation
          Urban permaculture and village design
          Optimizing limited space
          Community economics
          And more

Certification: upon completion of the course, participants will be
certified as Permaculture Design Trainees and entitled to use the
term "Permaculture" in pursuit of a livelihood and for educational

Rick Valley is owner and operator of Northern Groves Bamboo
Nursery in Corvallis, OR. Rick's experience in teaching permaculture
emphasizes a hands-on approach. He is particularly knowledgeable
about wetlands restoration, underutilized plants, seed gathering,
culinary herbs and fiber plants.

Jude Hobbs is owner of Cascadia Landscape Design and an associate
with Agro-Ecology Northwest, a business that does research and
consultations with small scale farmers. Consultant, landscape
designer, and instructor, Jude helps create edible, bird attracting,
native landscapes while integrating permaculture techniques.

Toby Hemenway is a contributing editor of The Permaculture
Activist living on, restoring, and learning from ten acres of mixed
forest near Roseburg. His background includes ecosystem,
evolutionary, and molecular biology; conventional and natural
gardening and forest farming; and appropriate technology. He writes
and teaches regularly on aspects of sustainable living and is
working on a book about permaculture sites in North America.

Fee: $900-$1100 sliding scale including organic vegetarian meals and

  Lost Valley Educational Center  81868 Lost Valley Lane  Dexter,
97431  (541) 937-3351  Send E-mail to: info@lostvalley.org

Lawrence F. London, Jr. Venaura Farm ICQ#27930345
lflondon@mindspring.com    london@metalab.unc.edu
http://www.ibiblio.org/ecolandtech    Ecolandtech
http://www.ibiblio.org/permaculture  Permaculture
http://www.ibiblio.org/intergarden/orgfarm AGINFO