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Re: Wild Grape Vine

Hello larry,

In a message dated 8/30/00 10:14:58 AM, lflondon@mindspring.com writes:

<< Cut some trees away from it so it can get more light, fertilize &
prune it, then harvest a bounty of wild grapes: scuppernong, muscadine
or fox grapes (small but look like purple muscadines). >>  Huh...these vines 
need something to climb on and send up shoots to the canopy for light. I very 
seldom seeing them growing on forest floor.

Hmm...I wonder what kind of grapes I have.  haven't noticed any lately. But 
many of these vines only leaf out in tops of trees..often 30+ feet above the 

Look forward to your comments...as always:)   All the best.  Frank