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Re: Buckskin Brain Tanning Workshop


Hi Everyone,


Many of you are too far away to think about coming but I wanted to share what we're up to. Maybe you might want to organize something of this nature in your area.


Where we live there is an abundance of deer. I see them dead and rotting on the side of the road from automobile-kill. Many folks have them invading the gardens because the mountain lion and grizzly bear are all but extinct ( the mountain lion population is returning). In many areas the car is the only predator. What happens if you accidentally hit a deer or other large mammal? Do you know what to do? Is it honorable to pull it off to the side of the road and let it rot for all to witness?


We are hosting a deer buckskin brain tanning workshop. This workshop will also teach you how to:

Gut & skin a deer

Select bones for tools & jewelry

Pit roast venison

Use Antlers


Everyone will be able to go home with their own brain tanned buckskin and/or tools and jewelry. (We are purchasing deerskin, not killing a deer for every participant.


Date is Oct. 1-6

Instructors: Levon Durr & Marty Falkenstein, two very knowledgeable & sensitive permaculturists.

Location: Heartwood Institute, Garberville, California USA about 4 hours north of San Francisco

Fee: $550 includes camping and meals

If you or anyone you know is interested in this workshop you can contact:


Permaculture Institute of Northern California

PO Box 341

Pt. Reyes Station, CA 94956

(415) 663-9090



I was inspired to organize this workshop because, I eat meat. I want to learn how to have the greatest connection with what I eat and ultimately not purchase the meat that I eat.


Research shows:

1. There are no indigenous vegetarian diets

2. Animal protein is essential for many people

3. The longest lived cultures in the world eat lots of fat, dairy and meat.


The resources for this info is a book called Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon & Mary Enig, PhD. (We sell the book, if you can't find it) and also the Weston A. Price Foundation website is www.westonaprice.org


Weston Price was a dentist who visited many indigenous cultures untainted by "western" diets in the 1920's. He traveled throughout Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe & the far north. He found less than 1% tooth decay! He created a theory, based on his observation, that healthy teeth reflected overall health. He also determined that the indigenous diet provided people with a jawbone structure that can support ALL of our teeth with no need of wisdom teeth removal or braces. The introduction of sugar and refined carbohydrates (not fat and dairy, as many people have been taught) have resulted in narrower jaws, and nasal passages. The other inspiration for this inquiry was the fact that in the US fat consumption has gone way down but heart disease has increased! The research does not support the conclusion. Stress, sugar and refined carbs have a much greater role in heart disease, food intolerances, allergies, immune deficiencies and many other maladies than they are given credit for.


We don't intend to disavow vegan and vegetarian diets, as we all need the support and freedom to eat what we feel is good for us without being made wrong by others. This research also supports eating whole foods like fruits, vegetables, grains and other UNPROCESSED foods.


Many of us who are drawn to eating meat, either don't think about it, feel bad and don't think about it, or rationalize it in someway because we may want to be politically correct and know we need animal protein to be healthy, even though the diet dictocrats say otherwise.













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