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Re: Getting the point-drylands agriculture

At 09:32 AM 8/24/00 -0300, Marsha Hanzi wrote:
>Dear members of the List,
>I wonder if, with all th anger about the size of my document, someone out 
>there caught onto the importance of it ( the reason for sending it to  an 
>international list).

Probably not.  That's the way of things; *how* one presents information is 
at least as important to most of the world (it seems) as *what* one has to 
say.  I think that this principle has a great deal of relevance to each of 
us who is in a position of trying to educate others on Permaculture and 
related principles.

Me, I see a 7 MB file in my mailbox and I delete it unread.  To me, it 
falls into the same category as spam, regardless of the intentions with 
which it was sent.

As one of the people who was temporarily inconvenienced by your mistake, 
but who did indeed figure that it was an honest and unintended one on your 
part, I truly hope you're not taking the cliche'd and arrogant tack of 
adding insult to injury by trying to make us feel guilty at having 
expressed how we felt about being inconvenienced.

I think a 7 MB mail file sent to potentially hundreds of people worldwide 
qualifies as "unusable surplus", i.e. pollution.  Consider the resources 
worldwide that were tied up dealing with this that could be used more 

The Internet is an ecology too, from a certain point of view.  And I think 
we need to treat it in the same way as the ecologies in our own back yards.

Just a few thoughts,


Loren Davidson         loren@farwalker.com
"We must create the future, or others will create it for us." - Gen. S. 
Ivanova, ret.