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(fwd) Permaculture Design for Health

On 16 Aug 2000 11:18:39 GMT, in alt.permaculture permacltur@aol.com
(Permacltur) wrote:

	Cycle 5 of the Online Permaculture Design Course will contain
a new section,
Design for Health by Cynthia Hemenway, CNM.  Cynthia has been a
health practitioner since 1985 and has been a partner in Elfin
since 1988.  A Certified Nurse Midwife and Advanced Nurse
Practitioner, Cynthia
recently concluded a stint on the faculty of the College of Nursing at
University of Florida.   There she developed and introduced a course
Alternative Therapies in addition to her role as a specialist in
women's health
issues and in clinical practice.  She is presently establishing her
practice, also called Design For Health.  Cynthia has been in the
supporting all the online course cycles to date.  Making use of the
materials she is developing for her practice is a good example of the
permaculture principle of "stacking functions." This means we try to
design as
many benefits as possible from everything that we do.
	To my knowledge, this is the first time health issues have
been formally
incorporated in the permaculture design course.  I have been
interested in
seeing this done for about 15 years.  What good fortune to be married
to a
person who is capable and willing to do it!  Talk about stacking
	In terms of the schedule, this module now becomes Week 12,
after the
"Cultivated Systems" subsection of "Nutrient Cycles" and before
"Design for
Catastrophe" which becomes Week 13.  For those of you who took the
course in
previous cycles, this may cause some confusion, as all topics and
posts from
the former week 12 on have been renumbered.  We did not undertake this
but it is clear to me that this topic requires a separate and distinct
This means that we now have a limit of 4 spare weeks to use to give us
time on a theme during the course or to finish design project
corrections at
the end.  The 26 week course limit is absolute.
	Those of you who have taken previous courses will also notice
a few new posts
in many of the other modules.  In addition, I have begun to develop
Files" for each module where we can draw on added information should
go in that direction.  This will supplement the discussion process and
replace my individualized replies to comments and questions.  To keep
the work
load more or less in control, some posts will be labeled as optional
and can be
filed to read later while still meeting certification requirements.
We would
like to give you a bit of a reservoir to draw upon as you apply your
permaculture training following the course.  As you know, the reading
provides some measure of this already.
	We are not charging more for these additions to the course.
However we WOULD
like to recruit more students.  If you can forward this post or write
your own
for the various permaculture discussions lists that you use, that
would be
helpful.  Also of course it is helpful to contact your friends,
people who live close enough to share your design project with you.  

For Mother Earth, Dan Hemenway, Yankee Permaculture Publications
(since 1982),
Elfin Permaculture workshops, lectures, Permaculture Design Courses,
and permaculture designs (since 1981), and annual correspondence
courses via
email.  Next online course: Sept., 2000. Copyright, 2000, Dan &
Hemenway, P.O. Box 52, Sparr FL 32192 USA  Internships.

We don't have time to rush.

A list by topic of all Yankee Permaculture titles may be found at
Elfin Permaculture programs are listed at the Eastern Permaculture
assn home page: http://home.ptd.net/~artrod/epta/eptahmp.html

Lawrence F. London, Jr. Venaura Farm ICQ#27930345
lflondon@mindspring.com  london@metalab.unc.edu
metalab.unc.edu/intergarden InterGarden
metalab.unc.edu/intergarden/permasphere Permaculture
metalab.unc.edu/intergarden/orgfarm AGINFO