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Re: Permaculture Credit Union

Title: Re: Permaculture Credit Union
        I guess I made an error in attempting to keep my original message about the Permaculture Credit Union opening so brief.  To help clear up your question, I've taken the following questions and answers from the Frequently Asked Questions page on our web site.

Q.      What is the Permaculture Credit Union?
A.      The Permaculture Credit Union is a credit union of members dedicated to the following ethics of
Q.      How is the Permaculture Credit Union different from a bank?
A.   The Permaculture Credit Union is a nonprofit financial cooperative. It is solely owned and democratically controlled by its individual members, as opposed to a bank, which is often run by outside stockholders. As a PCU member/owner, your account represents your shares in the PCU, with each dollar equaling one share.

Q.      Why should I invest my money in the Permaculture Credit Union?
A.        The Permaculture Credit Union is made up of members who have made the decision to invest and control their money in a financial institution that follows their code of ethics, not the ethics or investment strategies of an outside stockholder group.

Q.      Can anyone become a member of the Permaculture Credit Union?
A.      Yes, as long as you are in the "field of membership" of the Permaculture Credit Union. Our field of membership includes those persons who have completed a Permaculture recognized design course, are members of an affiliated Permaculture Institute and/or subscribe to the ethics of Permaculture.

Q.      What kind of services will be available from the Permaculture Credit Union?
A.   For the first year the Permaculture Credit Union will be offering share (savings) accounts, certificates (certificates of deposit), and loans.

Q.      How soon will the Permaculture Credit Union be able to make loans?
A.    Like most new credit unions, the Permaculture Credit Union will make loans based on the amount of our deposits. The sooner we take in sufficient deposits, the sooner we can make loans. We are projecting loans will be made by Fall 2000.

        I should add that as part of our member education services, we will be emphasizing sustainability and permaculture ethics as applied to our loan program.  These issues are being discussed by the board and loan committee.  If you would like to have your ideas considered by the board of directors and committees, take a look at the answer to the second question listed above and join the Permaculture Credit Union.

        Thank you for your interest.  We look forward to having you as a member.

        Phil Vergamini

What about this makes it a "permaculture" credit union?  its not really clear at
yr website.  will you make loans to permaculture projects?

Phil Vergamini, Santa Fe, NM 
mailto:Phil@inetserv.com          http://www.inetserv.com/