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Re: Proposal for logo and "permaculture" use

Good one Toby !

I've been lurking on this issue for some time and want to add my two cents :

I would be HAPPY to pay for the PRIVILEGE of using Uncle Bill's Logo.  Tell
the truth , I'm so grateful for the work he's done and the way he's gone
about it ( personal eccentriciteis and character defects notwithstanding)
that I'd like to slip the man a ten spot just to say thank you for a job
well done !
 If we're unable to show him the respect he deserves while he's still alive,
then by all means, shower the old boy with cash..... Is that so wrong !?

P.S. I leave tomorrow for the second half of the PC curriculum with Peter
Bane et.al in North Carolina - and just as my garden is ripening !

Best Wishes to all,

Claude in Vermont.

----- Original Message -----
From: Toby Hemenway <hemenway@jeffnet.org>
To: permaculture <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 12:19 PM
Subject: Proposal for logo and "permaculture" use

> My thanks to Russ and Robyn for their excellent summaries of this
> copyright/logo thread and for their suggestions. I may be repeating some
> what they've said, but I'd like to propose:
> --That we urge that a license to use the "egg logo" be granted to
> of Permaculture Design Courses (or alternatively, graduates of an advanced
> course or teacher training, or 2-year diplomates). As noted, a logo is a
> powerful tool for promoting a movement or idea. We could use one. To
> the license, a nominal fee, say $10 per year, could be paid to a national
> international body. This would serve a second purpose as well: to create a
> registered association of permaculture practitioners who could agree on
> standards and practices. Those graduates who chose not to be licensed
> still use the word "permaculture" in their work, but not the logo. If this
> can't be done, we could create a new logo, trademark it, and license it.
> --That we pursue the possibility of trademarking the word "permaculture."
> This would ensure a set of standards for practitioners and users of the
> word, preventing the degeneration of permaculture or its coopting by
> unscrupulous commercial interests, as is happening to organic foods. Since
> Mollison has asserted (DM p. x) that anyone can use the word, this may
> eliminated the option of a trademark, but we should find out. Perhaps
> licensing fees from the logo could hire a lawyer.
> Perhaps after discussing this we could send it to Mollison and the various
> Pc institutes. It seems counterproductive that the use of the egg logo, an
> internationally recognized symbol of permaculture, remains restricted to
> person and his heirs. Instead of lying dormant, as unused and unshared
> surplus, the energy invested in the logo could be promoting permaculture.
> Toby
> ---
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