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curriculum copyright & usage

OK - with the "logo thread" done to death (and that was the EASY one)
- what about the curriculum and copyright?

What part(s), if any, can qualified PDC use in their curriculum to
teach and consult in permaculture?

This is very tricky:
- the energy/resources audit can be found in any number of management
texts (I studied it as part of my MBA in the early 90s)
- the Zone System was first used by Ansell Adams in the 1930s (albeit
as a photography system, but the principles are the same as Bill's as
applied to the land)
- elements of the design & patterns chapters of the Manual can be
found in James Gleick's Chaos Theory
- the techniques outlined in the aquaculture chapter are promoted
wholesale throughout the fishing industry by people who have never
heard of permaculture.
- companion planting, who invented that?

If I have to "invent" a whole new curriculum, why should I call it a
permaculture curriculum? It is tempting at this stage to take the word
permaculture off my work and call it a "land use best practice, health
& lifestyle system" 

One of the main things that attracted me to adopt permaculture as the
overall designing system in my work, was that at the time it was being
promoted as "ownership being vested in the graduates", and further
work in this field would be considered working towards the
permaculture diploma.

Now this whole trademarking/copyright thing really has me worried
about the future of my work.  If a year down the track I have to pay a
license fee, I'd like to know now (so I can make the opportunity cost
decision whether I need to change tracks!)

Without doubt, this has to be cleared up quickly.  I'd like the
Institutes to clarify the usage of Bill's curriculum in teaching and
consulting, examine their roles in overseeing the "College of
Graduates" (Manual, page ix) and the development of the diploma.

Marcus Webb

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