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Re: Uncle Bill's

At 07:39 AM 8/2/00 -0700, you wrote:
Truth be told, you couldn't pay me enough to burn fuel for Louisiana.

Come on Verne I'm sure there is a number that would turn your politically correct head.

First: Bill said, not only that he was retiring after '98, but that he
was "going mythic," which I thought was pretty cool. This has turned
out to be bullshit, and was in retrospect, marketing spin to fill those
courses in '98...'last chance to see Bill!'

Umm, actually it was 1997 and Bill has retired as far as I know, that didn't mean that he was going to stop breathing or give an occasional course.

Second: Louisiana...I don't think so

Little xenophobia maybe?

Third: simply tired of Bill and Scott's (maybe just Scott's since we
read it from him on this list) old man hierarchical disfunction. It's
like they don't fully understand their own material. Eventually they'll
choose (or have no choice) to de-sphincter their concern for who uses
the term permaculture and for what purposes. Cream will rise and shit
will sink...and then float back up...and will become a new logo for

Your metaphoric abilities never cease to amaze me, Verne, perhaps you could branch out and try some areas located some distance from the nether regions.  I must say your lack of clarity is only exceeded by your lack of thought process.

Fourth: we're mutinous rabble! out with the old, in with the new! As
the vortex spins and sucks, patience ebbs for controlling overlords
laying claim to some sort of medieval monastic academy. Have you ever
heard Uncle Bill rip in to some hapless sap when his patience ebbs?
Well if we're to pay homage to "his" design system, why should we
suffer the same sort of crap he rips to shreds? I for one, won't.

Seems you've been dipping into "Peter Pan" again, you literary devil you!  I'm positively certain you would never be considered hapless.
There you go with the "nether region" language again Verne. 

Now, on the other hand, I'm always entertained by Bill, and am as
appreciative of his work as any contemporary scholar. So I encourage
everyone considering a trip to 'weesiana to stack it for during Bill's
visit. Don't forget to PAY the man, and eat some 'possum for me.

I think there may be contemporary scholars, other than yourself, who are more appreciative.  Eating 'possum doesn't seem one of your talents unless, of course, you are being literal.

Permaculture Satire Global Empire (egg-snake logo here)
Zone 6

Well, this certainly explains it!
