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Re: Plants For A Future database

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000 23:54:38 -0400, "Lee Flier"
<lflier@mindspring.com> wrote:

>Larry wrote:
>>Let's hear a round of applause for Lee, Marcus, Rich and PFAF Staff.
>>This is a dream database.
>>>While I'm in credit mode a lot of respect to Lee Flyer who came up with
>>>the idea of putting the database on the web in the first place
>>>and also did the first version.
>>Is there any possibility of that going back online again anywhere?
>First of all many thanks for acknowledging my contribution.  I wish I could
>have kept the original version where it was and kept improving on it, but it
>was not to be and I'm just glad someone else was able to pick up the reins,
>because this stuff really needs to be on line!
>If it is all right with the folks at PFAF I would be happy to put the
>original version back online (and improve on it), but the problem is
>although I'm a database guru and a web design guru, I'm NOT a UNIX guru.  So
>it would have to be hosted on an NT Server - one running SQL Server or
>Oracle would be great.  Does Metalab have any of those now?  Y'all just let
>me know - off list if you want.

I've emailed Jon and Paul at MetaLab about this and Cc'ed you and
Rich. We will see how this develops.

>Rich wrote:
>>>I'd also like to draw peoples attention that the database now features
>>>a readers comment section where people can add extra information
>>>to the database page for any plant in the database. The dream is
>>>to gather together the vast amount of plant knowledge that people
>>>all over the world have. There is a lot of good info out there
>>>but it is often very hard to find. Hopefully the comments section
>>>will go some way to help people find this info. We would like this
>>>to turn into some community forum rather than just a Plants For
>>>A Future project,
>This is a fabulous idea, because the whole time that I ran the site I was
>getting email from people wanting to add more.  Also it would be great to
>add pictures from contributors.
>>How about a mailing list (run on MetaLab's Lyris server where this PC
>>list originates) fo PFAF comments, feedback, praise, new plant info,
>>etc. etc. called pfaf, or pfaf@franklin.oit.unc.edu, with website for
>>list at:
>Well I think the ability to contribute directly from the web site would add
>more immediacy than a mailing list, much as I am a big fan of mailing lists.

Those kind of forums and web based forums are OK at low volume/minimal
access requirements. It would be good to have a few of those that can
put the message text directly in a designated page in the website, but
the real workhorse that will ultimately get the job done will be a
Lyris list - easily directly linkable to a website - in fact we could
have two of them, one totally open, no subscription required, just
click and post - read in email, news or in the forum's archives (just
like nearly all other "webforums") and one requiring subscription to
be able to post. File attachments of pix, etc could be done and view
using the email and news interfaces. Another option is to use 
mhonarc (a UNIX mail2html converter) to create a forum that can allow
attached pix also. I have several of these running. I also have  file
uploads/download-view utility running that uses PHP. See 
and http://metalab.unc.edu/permaculture for examples of all this.
Permaculture Online at MetaLab also uses the upload/download utility.

I would suggest the following:

Two Lyris lists, one, no subscription required and one, subscription

One mhonarc webforum/message archive

Several PHP file upload/download areas
(these are excellent for uploading pre-prepared documents
(any format, WP, text, html, etc., database, spreadsheet)
ready to be added to the database plus pix, drawings, videos, etc etc

>For example if each plant listing had a user comments section of its own
>that could be added to, kind of like the customer book reviews on Amazon.
><G>  Plus there could be a web based forum initiating at the home page.
>Again, this is all the kind of system I design every day and I would be very
>happy to help make this all a reality, if it were on a platform that I have
>a clue about. <G>  I was very sad to have to give that project up.

The above could be gleaned off the web as a  PHP, Perl
or Javascript utility and easily installed. Do you know of other
applicatins that could be used?
>Lee A. Flier
>Atlanta, Georgia, USA


Lawrence F. London, Jr. Venaura Farm ICQ#27930345
lflondon@mindspring.com  london@metalab.unc.edu
metalab.unc.edu/intergarden InterGarden
metalab.unc.edu/permaculture PermaSphere
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