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RE: distance courses - from the first distance course body.

hello from Permaculture Visions,
five years ago we were the first to start teaching permaculture by the net, we were treated as an oddity
and most permaculture teachers said it wouldn't work.

We have shown that it is a great teaching medium especially for working parents, now we have students in 19 countries.
People like to have plain English, substantial course notes (the handbook is hard reading for most people and poorly indexed, also it doesn't cover all topics)
another side line is the mailing list, students like to be able to watch and participate in designs as they develop
(we are currently working on the Wollongong University campus East design) They also like to talk about their
own area or climate with other students in similar situations.

The hardest aspect of learning on the net is that students who lack motivation drop out, whereas in a group
they may stick it out.  but at the end of the day I realised that if i planned to "work where it counts"
then those who stick it out in a distance learning situation and those who will end being gems,
which brings me to say that I am proud that Brian (one of our graduates) is teaching from N.Z.

the biggest stumbling block however is preserving copyright.  Especially seeing our course notes
were 4 years in the making and still being developed. (as the technology becomes more common we have been able to expand the course notes, now we can send course notes on CD rom)
I have finally overcome the problem of copyright
by using Adobe software (Adobe provide free readers) so students get the files immediately by email and
can browse through, and we minimise the risk of copyright.

by the way, anyone using the rainbow snake design (it isn't mine, it belongs to the illustrator of
the Permaculture Design Handbook by Mollison) is in direct breach of copyright.  Please remove it.  Strict copyright laws in some countries such as Australia can still
affect anyone practising overseas and publishing within Australia.

Permaculture is about ethics, we have to keep the net Permaculture clean.  there is much more to do on the net and hopefully,
we get a more organised system which is accessible to the public.


Permaculture Visions International.
Students and graduates in 19 countries
(Australia, Canada, NZ, USA, France, Malaysia, Brazil, India, UK,
Jerusalem, Israel, Ireland, Africa, Thailand, Japan, Portugal, Tonga, Papua New Guinea, Hong Kong.)

Exclusive Student and Graduate Mailing list
Commercial and Private Permaculture System Design
ISO 14000

-----Original Message-----
From: 1Earth Permaculture [mailto:permaculture@start.com.au]
Sent: Thursday, 23 March 2000 8:35
To: permaculture
Subject: Re: distance courses - Business Planning

Announcing the launch of two new distance courses at
www.permacult.com.au - Doing Well While Doing Good (Greening a
business); and Small Acreage Management

Both courses are conducted via the above website and provide
participants with a practical business plan.

Doing Well While Doing Good is aimed at businesses that want to
conduct ideologically and environmentally sound business, joing the
Green Revolution

Small Acreage Management looks at the existing resources (natural and
skills based) on a property and developing business ideas and



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