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Re: all theory thread (long)[longer still]

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000 16:45:52 -0700, "sal" <sals@rain.org> wrote:

>they have a low chill blueberry just made for Ca. I think they are called
>rabbit blueberries but I am not sure.  I have seen them grown in the banana
>belt.  I would start with that kind. I would guess pine needles under
>blueberries would help.  I heard they may supply an acidic mulch.
>check out an organic farmers homepage

Rabbiteye blueberry. There are natives that are tasty, 2 varieties
occur in the hot dry SE US, lowbush (small beerries) and highbush
(larger berries); in New England there are a type of lowbush with
small berries that grow in the mountains; these are especially tasty.


>----- Original Message -----
>From: "rick valley" <bamboogrove@cmug.com>
>To: "permaculture" <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
>Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 5:26 PM
>Subject: Re:all theory thread (long)[longer still]
>How do you maneuver a ladder in a food forest indeed!
>I have to say that I treat the Manual illustrations as cartoons, not
>blueprints! I do lots of "plant 'em all- let God sort 'em out" designs, as
>any of my friends will testify- and I'm very familiar with mistakes &
>pratfalls, but I've made lots of good observations studying abandoned
>homesteads, old Italian's gardens, wild fruit groves of all sorts. It's
>highly complex, a huge subject, and I think there's so much opportunity for
>permies to specialize (!) in this sort of design.
>Caging small fruit is def. a workable tactic; Mollison talks about it; so
>do you plan the cage for multiple functions? What can you use under
>blueberries? What can you do to supply an acidic mulch? What varieties you
>can grow are highest in antioxidants? Do you want one harvest or an extended
>one? On the other extreme, how can you grow a blueberry in Cal.,(miles from
>its home), in a low-input manner, and not get it eaten by deer? (I think it
>could be done)
>Nothin' but fun...
>Rick Valley Northern Groves
>PO Box 1236, Philomath, OR 97370
>Mobile-(541)602-1315, hm.& msg. (541)929-7152  Bamboo catalog $3 or at
>"Useful Bamboos and other plants< Permaculture education< Ecological design
>consultation centering on water,landform and horticultural systems"
>You are currently subscribed to permaculture as: sals@rain.org
>To unsubscribe send a blank email to
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Lawrence F. London, Jr. Venaura Farm ICQ#27930345
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