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Re: all theory thread

The all theory discussion  especially the reference to the "hodgepodge"
give me encouragement to complete my current writing project, Permaculture
Principles and Other Ideas.  Some years ago with Ian Lillington's help I
began assembling a "collected writings" spanning the last twenty years but
most from the last ten about the theory and applications of PC. As that
process was nearing completion Ian suggested what the book really needed
was something specifically on PC principles following the content of how we
teach principles on our PDCs.  Perhaps inevitably  working on the
principles has led me into a further reorganization and clarification of my
own understandings.

I agree that PC will continue to evolve at a cultural level with
contributions from many people. Hopefully this book will make a substantial
contribution to that process. Unfortunately the book along with another on
the weeds debate(on the back burner for the last 5 years) have had to
compete for my time with consultancy work, our eco village project and
managing Hepburn Permaculture Gardens. A bad back and lack of financial
resources have resulted in some setbacks but hopefully this book will be
available before the end of the year. Our website has some basic

David Holmgren

David Holmgren & Su Dennett
Holmgren Design Services
Hepburn Permaculture Gardens
16 Fourteenth St,
Hepburn. 3461.
Ph/fax 0353483636
Email holmgren@netconnect.com.au
Website http://www.spacountry.net.au/holmgren