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Re: All theory--principles...


Marsha wrote: <<When I began working with Permaculture as a profession  nine 
years ago, it

quickly became clear to me that its basic premisses were not  clear ( a

"hodgepodge", as Toby says   etc. etc.).>>  Well said Marsha.

I think more than anything there are people like myself who have espoused the 
ideas and concepts but need " the strategies and blueprints". To say that 
every situation is unique begs the question and turns some off.

Don't know why we can't begin to map out strategies that fit for specific 

There should be a planning tool that will help integrate farm resources, 
identify potential resources, improve holistic Permaculture management etc.

Lee's point about real world examples hits the nail on the head for me. Best 
to all. Frank