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Whole Earth Review

The latest issue of WHOLE EARTH REVIEW (Summer 2000) has "Eco-Art"
photo-essay by 3 women who "meld ecological processes, imagination, fun, and
responsibility into their art and happenings."  My favorite is Kathryn
Miller who helped with a pamphlet giving recipes for tumbleweed (Russian
thistle) shoots.  This WER has photo from that pamphlet.  "My work is not
about beauty but about challenging the 'notion' of beauty that prevails as a
general aesthetic in our culture.  I work in southern California, where
there are plenty of these notions to challenge."  To achieve her aim, she
must have to have access to inexpensive or free seeds for her "portable seed
bombs".  She was part of the Bioneer's symposium in 1999; sounds like a
delightful person and a real boon to Ava's style of permaculture (or a
portion of it, anyhow) & to Akiva's "food forest"