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what's next


You have shared so much- guided with sensitivity and respect.

In response to your question there were  wonderful suggestions.

Thought I'd through another idea into the brew.

Are 'your girls' interested in a 'trade'- since they are 17 how do they
plan to support themselves.  I imagine many elements you taught them could
be used  as income producers- has this been a topic?
To recognize one's  passion and then to follow through to 'earn a living'- -
now that offers  high yields.

When I was struggling with a career change, many years ago, a dear friend
said to me "What is the one thing in all the world you love to work/be
My first response was "Plants" loud and clear- and the rest, as they say,
is history.

Good Luck!


Thanks for your thoughtful writings on this list serve.