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Re: Snail Farming.

don't know about organic snail farms (nor 'battery' snails?). a tv piece a few years back featured a newly founded snail farm somewhere in north yorkshire, U.K. bred for overseas markets,  these snails were huge. not your common garden variety by any means. the snails of French cuisine, come from the cultivated land snail, Helix pomatia.

>>georg parlow wrote
>>the very high organic content and the stabilized ph relieved the
snails from their job.

this sounds credible. i took on a friends garden a few years back. at the time it resembled a building site. full of rubble & burnt mattresses & heaps of glass & scrap metal & such. we agreed i'd take a couple of veg beds as 'payment'.  i've never known anywhere with such a vast snail population. every step & everywhere you looked - snails. last year in high summer en masse they ascended the stone walls of the house. out front & bold - hundreds of snails cooking up there. quite bizarre. i intervened this spring & halved the populous. & still they're everywhere.

happen there's an un-pc method for raising snails here. get some land, trash it & pick yr harvest!
