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Re: Register NOW-Pc Des Gathering 2000

on 13/6/00 11:21 AM, Robyn Francis at permed@nor.com.au wrote:

> 18-20 AUGUST 2000
> at Djanbung Gardens Permaculture Education Centre, Nimbin NSW
> Djanbung Gardens will host a 3 day gathering in August for permaculture
> designers, teachers and activists to look at where permaculture stands as
> movement and develop strategies to meet the challenges of the year 2000 and
> beyond. This will be a Œno-frillsı convergence following the PC Expo in
> Brisbane. 
> To keep both costs and the workload to a minimum, numbers will be limited to
> 75 participants. There will be no prestigious key-note speakers or fixed
> agenda, the Friday afternoon will be allocated to catching up with whatıs
> happening in the movement and creating a programme of workshops, discussion
> groups and forums for the Saturday and Sunday according to the needs and
> priorities of those present.
> The 3-day convergence cost:  $75 ($60 unwaged/conc.) The fee does not include
> accommodation or meals, but there will be tea and coffee facilities available
> and the Djanbung canteen will be open for low-cost organic meals & snacks.
> - Robyn Francis
> Details....
> When?
> Friday 18-Sunday 20th August
> Office opens 10am Friday for registrations
> Gathering will commence at 1.30pm Friday, dinner break 5.30-7pm
> Saturday: start 8.30am, Lunch break 12.30-2pm, dinner break 5.30-7pm
> Sunday: start 8.30am, Lunch break 12.30-2pm, wrap-up by 4.30pm
> Space will be made available for displaying
> information about your Pc activities/projects.
> Meal breaks can be utilised for Show-ın-Tell, Swap -Œn-Sell. We ask people
> selling goods to donate 10% of sales to ERDA Institute.
> Registration
> Please register a.s.a.p. - limited numbers on Œfirst-inı basis - minimum
> deposit 50%
> Registration Fee: $75 ($60 unwaged/conc.)
> Registration fee does not include accommodation or meals - see below for
> further details.
> Complete the registration form and send with payment to:
> ERDA Institute, PO Box 379 Nimbin NSW 2480.
> You will receive a receipt and confirmation of your registration.
> Meals
> - Please bring your own cup/mug. Tea making facilities will be available.
> - Djanbung Canteen will be open for low-cost refreshments and meals featuring
> organic produce fresh from the gardens.
> - Out-door BBQ facility available.
> Accommodation: 
> Please arrange your own accommodation and book in advance to avoid
> disappointment. The following are listed in order of their proximity to
> Djanbung Gardens.
> - Djanbung Gardens Farm-stay Ph 02-6689 1755
> - Jarlanbah Homestay (next door to Djanbung Gardens) on Jarlanbah PC community
> Nigel & Yoko  Ph  02-6689 1716
> - Nimbin Caravan Park  Ph 02-6689 1402
> - Nimbin Guest House (Grey Gum Lodge) Ph/Fax 02-6689 1713  Private
> rooms/ensuite 
> - Freemasons Hotel, Nimbin Ph 6689 1246
> - Granny's Farm Backpackers & camping Ph 02-66891333.
> - Rainbow Retreat Ph 02-6689 1262  Backpacker accommodation
> - Nimbin Motel Abode of Peace  Ph 02-6689 1420, 6km out of town
> - Black Sheep Farm - extra special place to stay: s/c cottage on edge of
> rainforest, private retreat. Ph 02-6689 1095   www.blacksheepfarm.com.au
> - Garden Retreat B & B, Tuntable Falls Community Mandie & Steve Ph 02-6689
> 1145 (6km from town)
> - Klassic Lodge Country Retreat (Motel) Ph 02-6689 9350, 13km out of town
> Transport: 
> Lismore (30km from Nimbin) is serviced by
> - NSW RAIL - CountryLink
> - Coach (Brisbane/ Sydney)
> - Airport (Hazelton Airlines - Syd/Lis).
> Daily shuttle bus service from Byron Bay to Nimbin Ph 02-6687 2007.
> Marshes local bus service runs weekdays:
> Lismore-Nimbin:  8am, 2.35pm, 3.25pm
> Murwillumbah-Nimbin:  7.10am, 2.25pm
> Contact Djanbung Gardens if you have problems with transport connections
> Lismore to Nimbin.
> Please print and complete the registration form
> Permaculture Designers Gathering August 2000
> Name   (1)________________________________
> (2)________________________________
> Organisation______________________________
> Address:_________________________________
> ________________________________________
> __________________________Postcode_______
> Ph (W)_______________(H)_________________
> Mobile___________________________________
> Fax_____________________________________
> Email____________________________________
> Key PC activities: _________________________________
> _________________________________________________
> __ I completed my PDC with tutor:__________________________
> date:______________
> __ I was awarded a Diploma in Pc Design in 19___ in the following areas:
> __________________________________________________________________________
> __ I would like to present my portfolio for a diploma endorsement at the
> Gathering
> Please register me/us for the August Gathering.
> Enclosed find cheque/other for the
> *full fee $75/$60 or *deposit $________ payable to ERDA Institute
> *Non-refundable unless all places are full in which case your
> fee will be fully refunded.
> Signed___________________________ Date____________
> APC-7, our last Permaculture Convergence was three years ago and there have
> been no offers to host the next convergence (due last year). Meanwhile the
> years roll by, things change, the world around us changes and we need to get
> together again as fellow permaculturists to share our insights and strengthen
> our networks. We also need to look at whatıs happening with our convergences
> and gatherings, on a local, national and international level. The
> international convergence is also long overdue and looking for a host group
> again now that South Africa has withdrawn.
> The loss of PIJ as our international publication needs to be addressed as does
> the future of Permaculture International Ltd and effective affordable ways to
> meet the needs of facilitating communications between permaculturists around
> the world. The gathering will provide an opportunity for Permaculture
> International to hold a special meeting to formalise decisions made by members
> about itıs future direction and role.
> There have been other issues raised in articles and letters in PIJ over the
> past few issues that you might like to discuss in an open forum, or that need
> clarification. 
> Since APC-7 there have been a lot of changes in the PC network here in
> Australia and our Asia-Pacific neighbours. In the past three years
> permaculture groups, organisations and projects have been initiated, others
> have transformed or moved, some have waxed and others waned. Thereıs much to
> catch-up on and learn from each other about what works and doesnıt and why.
> There is also a need to share strategies for ways to sustain ourselves through
> the challenges that shifting economic climates and political landscapes impose
> on our survival.
> Diploma Awards
> In the UK, designerıs convergences include a session for people to present
> their PC work to fellow designers for assessment and to endorse their
> application to the Permaculture Institute for a Diploma.  If you would like to
> use this gathering to present your work for your diploma, please bring your
> port-folio with you and a session will be allocated for this process.
> - Robyn Francis
> A beneficial outcome of Robyn's proposed gathering would be to develop a
> picture of the situation regarding the practice of permaculture today ­
> aŒsituation reportı or the like.
> Then, on the basis of this, to identify some ideas which could be used in the
> development of strategies to reinvigorate the practice of permaculture in the
> changed social, technological, economic and political landscape of
> contemporary times.
> For those who are not at home with change, all I can offer is the suggestion
> that, like any living organism, permaculture too has to evolve and adapt.
> Failure to do so leads down the road to irrelevance, marginalisation and
> extinction. 
> Grasping the challenges of the times, developing workable strategies to deal
> with them, even to take advantage of them, can only move us along the road
> to renewed relevancy, progress and sustainability.
> Itıs all up to us. Nobody else. I can do no better than repeat the advice from
> the back page of the
> Whole Earth Catalog -
> Live smart. Think for Yourself.
> Transform the future.
> - Russ Grayson & Fiona Campbell
> Pacific Edge Permaculture