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Re: Sustainability and contentment

>Reply-To: "permaculture" <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
>From: "Marsha Hanzi" <hanzibra@svn.com.br>

>There is a word which we rarely hear any more, but which may be in fact
>central to the issue at hand: "contentment" , means being happy with what
>you have, that gentle state of well-being, of soft glowing happiness ( not
>shouting from the mountaintops). The image to me is sitting quietly on the
>veranda, watching  the sun go down.  To me, contentment has to do with
>slower rhythm , free time,  having the basics ( no fear)..  Maybe
>contentment is in fact one of our goals in Permaculture-- having those
>basics, and recognizing  them as being sufficient for life-quality...Knowing
>to stop in time... Get what I mean?  (Couterbalance to "more is better"...)
I'll drink to that -- yes, if we could manage a world that let everyone be
contented -- with scope for excitement and risk-taking (risking self -- not
imposing danger on others) -- we would have a currently almost unimaginably
sustainable world. I find I can only envisage 'contentment' against a
background of greenery and nature -- incompatible with tarmac and cement.
Judith Hanna
15 Jansons Rd, Tottenham, London N15 4JU