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Re: PIJ - new web presence? & Re: flame-free list

I would vote that Larry have the power to not let offensive mails come
through to the list-- that he invite the person to re-word  the answer ,
give the person time to cool down. I don't know if that is physically
possible.. But in any case I would like to thank all of you for your cool,
stable handling of such situations.

I received a similar attack once to a very sincere letter, where I made a
suggestion based on long years of experience, and  the ( unexpected) attack
shocked me so profoundly that I sincerely lost respect for that person.  So
in the end attacks reflect back to the attacker...


----- Original Message -----
From: Lawrence F. London, Jr. <lflondon@mindspring.com>
Newsgroups: permaculture
To: permaculture <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 3:20 PM
Subject: PIJ - new web presence? & Re: flame-free list

> On Mon, 05 Jun 2000 17:28:30 GMT, "Akiva" <akivaw@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >Thank you Toby for quickly moving to keep this list positive. after
> Thanks from me too, Toby.
> >Robert's recent posts, I noted to myself, "ah, here's a newbie with
> >something to add to the discussion," and then the next post, wham, Kris
> >flames him, inefficiently using the energy of cyberspace. First time
> Without the computers and the Web - we would be in a fix keeping in
> touch. Kris is right about the value of hardcopy-based communication.
> We can't really do without either.
> We (and I) could do a lot to get and keep PIJ online permanently
> and permaculturally (or electropermiculturally for those wanting that
> qualification). Eventually this presence for them could translate into
> a revitalized and renewed hardcopy presence.
> And what about their Glocal Permaculture Directory? What happens to
> that? Could I set them up with a free website here at MetaLab where
> they could keep on trucking and put the Directory online (they could
> always print it out for anyone wanting to purchase this from them by
> mail order). There are a lot of possilities here; why don;t we take
> advantage of a few of thm? Russ??? Any comments?
> >as a lesson, second time you go to the Tower of (lawrence) London.
> I have an idea. Whenever there arises a situation where someone
> may appear to be working conterproductive to the mission of the list
> why don't we discuss it here and maybe vote on what measures
> might be taken, i.e. unsubbing or locking out a user - follow the
> permademocratic process, or permacratic, if you will.
> >Whatever our design differences, I see no reason for tolerating any
> >"heat" on this list. If someone shares something ludicrous (or what may
> >to be ludicrous from your perspective), there are ways to express
> >disagreement while at the same time "caring for the inhabitants".
> Good idea but we still have to be resilient enough to tolerate any
> heat.
> LL
> >
> >Thanks,
> >akiva
> >ojai,CA
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>From: Toby  Hemenway <hemenway@jeffnet.org>
> >>Kris wrote:
> >>
> >> >Get real Robert Jensen [snip ad hominem diatribe]
> >>
> >>Robert: I welcome your point of view. Please don't let one name-calling
> >>flame discourage you from posting; most of the people on this list are
> >>respectful of other people and their opinions.
> >>
> >>Kris: Let's keep it civil, eh?
> >>
> >>Toby
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >________________________________________________________________________
> >Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com
> >
> >
> Lawrence F. London, Jr. Venaura Farm ICQ#27930345
> lflondon@mindspring.com  london@metalab.unc.edu
> metalab.unc.edu/intergarden InterGarden
> metalab.unc.edu/permaculture PermaSphere
> metalab.unc.edu/intergarden/orgfarm AGINFO
> ---
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