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Re: sheet mulch

hi all -
just a quick thanks for you good folks who offered suggestions. all very much appreciated.

georg parlow wrote:
need a good recipe for slugs? here we go: fence and put runner ducks on it,

Shame about that one - just not appropriate/possible on this occassion. (for me)

Simon Kartar wrote:

> >>I have a similar question - I've also sheet mulched and planted potatoes and tomatoes and
> >>have a slug fest going on. Please can anyone offer any
> advice? I hope I haven't hijacked your question Paul -

Yeh just let it roooowll. see what we can find. i wish i could suggest something myself but i
feel the slugs operate from a superior vantage. frogs & hedgehogs look like our best allys  -
unless like those runner ducks we make it a harvest! high yield & excellent selection. whole
new flava to fresh salad. if y'care for it.