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Re: Examples: Guerillas=bad press

Hi, Verne:

Sorry I didn't acknowledge sooner, I've been away from my computer, out in 
the (finally!) sunshine and warm, dry air.

I still find it very strange that the media here said not one word of this, 
so I appreciate the information.

And to Graham:

I am so sorry that your committment to 'better the world' came to such a 
bad end.  The 'idea' was commendable.  Don't give up, just try a different 
tactic, maybe a little out of the way space near the countryside where the 
troublemakers won't get as much attention, or possibly a volunteer group to 
do good deeds for concerned citizens who WANT the plants.  Kind of a 
"Christmas in April" theme.

We have a "Christmas in April" here, where we volunteer to do home 
improvements for individuals that are elderly or impoverished.  You could 
try the same with small residential garden plots.  Every little bit helps 
and every good idea deserves it's moment to shine.  I can't imagine that 
the 'trouble-makers' would want to concern themselves with such a project.
