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Re: sanet-mg-digest V1 #1760

 A few thoughts for Alex - What about the backdoor imposition of genetically 
engineered organisms on every uninformed and ignorant consumer of FOOD out 
there? The impact of these changes for the sake of the bottom line has not 
been even close to exhaustively studied.  Agribusiness has loosed mutated 
organisms on the planet without getting permission of the planet  - or the 
people who live on it. Let alone investigating the possible impact it will 
have on our food sources for the future. For all you know, three generations 
from now, we may not be able to eat corn, because our bodies won't tolerate 
what it has become.  Think of the hidden dangers to people with allergies to 
fish or nuts who have no idea their soy beans contain genetic materials that 
could seriously harm them!  And what about the resistance to stronger (and 
often specific) pesticides. Great! now we can pour more cancer causing 
chemicals on our food without killing it - the better to kill us!  And how 
will you control the spread of these plants!  What happens when the cross 
polination with pest plants passes on these resistant gene properties? I say 
bravo to those trying to impose some responsibility upon those making these 
decisions for everyone.  Science is making changes that take God and nature 
hundreds, even thousands of years to make.  What Hubris!  and what price will 
we pay?  Sign me - a concerned midwestern farm girl.