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Garden Cities

Cities used to pride themselves in being called "Garden Cities".........the
latest issue of ORION AFIELD has article on Berkeley tearing up asphalt to
plant gardens.  TERRAIN: a publication of Berkeley's Ecology Center, Spring
2000...... www.ecologycenter.org      may have something on such a movement.
 The Spring issue has article "The Native Garden" by Dennis
Martinez....."The knowledge of indigenous farming traditions can nourish us
all."  "At the time of Columbus' voyages, when Indians were using 2,000
different foods derived from pants and more from a wide variety of animals,
they enjoyed exceptional overall health.  In fact, researchers have found
that meat-eating herdsman-hunter-gatherer-fisher peoples have been typically
healthier and better off nutritionally than agriculturists.  Growing up on a
San Joaquin Valley ranch, I remember relatives still doing hard physical
work all day long well into their 70s and 80s,  Subsistence hunting and
fishing supplemented our home-grown produce, which I suppose could be called
"organic"--except for the crop dusters over our neighbors' fields--because
we couldn't afford pesticides and chemical fertilizers."