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Re: (fwd) Re: NC law being proposed to make non-mowing of lawnsillegal; comments on demos in DC

Oh, no, Emily, it is definitely true, no hoax here.  

As I know that you are originally from Indiana, I am sure that at some time 
in your life, you have experienced the beauty of the old neighborhood 
cottage gardens and those wonderful grape arbors that used to adorn almost 
everyones yard.  All gone now.  There are a few left on some of the country 
farms, but not many.  Most of the farmers have opted for additional crops 

If you drive out hwy. 20 now towards LaPorte, you nearly get blown off the 
road by wind and dirt due to the lack of vegetation, and winter time!  It's 
like being in a constant blizzard, the road is iced over, snow blowing from 
the fields obscures your vision.  But we sure do have alot of Garden Clubs 
here.  I wonder where they're getting the flowers.  I think they must buy 
some pots, go to the local florist, stick the stems in the dirt and place 
the pots around the courtyards and on the tables for their 'luncheon 

Purdue University is doing alot of work regarding New Crops and Alternative 
Agriculture, the problem is, hardly any of the information or work they are 
doing benefits the people in this area.  Most of the research and education 
is being taken out of the country.  This is one of the reasons I stay so 
closely involved with the Wetland and Prairie restorations here, along with 
a few opportunities to get an Action Commitee together to remove and 
replant some of our native plants from development sites.

I also work within my 9 year olds school system, trying to get the message 
to the community through the children.  At least the children are 
interested, thank goodness, or what type of future will they have?  We all 
have to start putting things back.  Just one or two plants here and there, 
if enough people do this, we WILL make a difference, I'm sure of it.  This 
is one of the reasons I enjoy this mail list so very much, everyone here 
has made an attempt to try to put things right.  Keep up the good work, 
maybe it'll become contagious!
