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Re: Comfrey- Boneset...

It is no accident that the old name for Comfrey was "bone-set"...


----- Original Message -----
From: Mikal Jakubal <mjakubal@asis.com>
To: permaculture <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2000 8:31 PM
Subject: re: Comfrey

> I have an ankle that I seriously sprain every few years. After one such
> occasion, I lightly cooked and mashed up comfrey roots and leaves, wrapped
> the mucilaginous mush in cheese cloth, wrapped it around my swollen ankle
> and secured the wrap with an ace bandage. Repeated twice daily. The ankle
> healed miraculously quickly. Being a semi-regular occurrence, I was
> familiar with how long it should've taken. I did the comfrey treatment on
> the advice of friends who said it was really good for muscle and bone
> injuries. Worked for me!
> I too have heard that it is not good to put on deep wounds because it
> to close them up from the outside first and trap whatever is in deeper.
> But, check a good herbology book for any of this stuff.
> Mikal
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