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Re: Ethylene cycles

Thanks, Georg-- the details helped...
Fortunately I  speak German-- one of the advantages of being maried to a
Swiss for these last 20-odd years....So I will look up the original text on
your website...


Everyone else-- this information is most pertinent! When we analyse what
happens in industrialized agriculture, we see that this cycle will be
totally disrupted, and that it is very important for soil/plant health.
This is one of the best arguments I know for not disturbing( plowing) the
soil and not using soluble  fertilizers.  It deserves more serious

----- Original Message -----
From: georg <georg@2012.org>
To: permaculture <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: Ethylene cycles

> At 21:56 22.02.00 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> >
> >Still interested in a definition of ethylene cycles.
> >
> did this get lost somehow? ok, here we go again:
> ------
> At 09:27 21.02.00 -0300, you wrote:
> >(emphasis is on 'living' as this keeps the
> >> oxygen-ethylene cycles going).
> >
> >
> >Does someone have it on their computer ?  I would most appreciate this
> >help..
> >
> unfortunately i do not recall it easily either, but i do have it on my
> website (unfortunately it is the german translation of emilia hazelip's
> essay) <http://www.2012.org/publishing/synag/index.html>. i just read it
> through, but it is too long and too complicated for me right now to
> translate it. it would take me hours, that i do not have to spare right
> now. but it involves alternating cycles of oxygenated and ethylenated
> micro-niches, caused by microorganisms that need the carbon-excretions of
> living roots. they consume all the oxygen and produce ethylen (provided
> there isn't too much nitrates present, n in form of ammonium causes no
> trouble). the ethylene stops the microbes life-activities, without killing
> them. so shortly thereafter the oxygen oozes back in, microbes get going
> again and it starts all over, all the time in a microscopic mosaic - in
> living soils that have very little nitrates, plenty of living rootlets and
> dead plant material present. the presence of oxygen prohibits the stable
> iron-oxyde crystals (2-12% by weight of most soils) to change to the more
> volatile reduced iron, which also prohibts that they liberate the
> phosphates, sulphates and trace elements that they bind to themselves via
> electrical charge in their iron-oxide form. when oxygen flows back they
> change back to those stable oxide crystals and also bind the nutrients
> again, but in between the plants had a chance to absorb some of it. and
> usually these cycles go on and on and on... except in soils that are not
> covered with live plants (carbo excreting roots everywhere) AND dead plant
> matter.
> well, i guess this is coming close.
> georg
> ---
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