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Permaculture course in Brazil

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 09:37:31 -0700
From: Scott Pittman <pci@permaculture-inst.org>

Have to sign off for the next month while teaching a course in Permaculture 
in Brazil - Sigh!

Just wanted to notify all who might be interested of an upcoming course in 

Permaculture Certification Course
Neuquen, Argentina
March 4 - 18, 2000
Sponsored by the Permaculture Institute

Contact: Scott Pittman, PO Box 3702, Pojoaque, NM 87501
email: <pci@permaculture-inst.org>

For more information and a brochure contact Scott, please forward this 
announcement to whomever might be interested.

Happy holidays