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Please read! The Hunger Site (fwd)

Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 15:27:32 -0500
From: Michelle M. Miller <mmmille6@facstaff.wisc.edu>
To: citnet-list@citnet.org, mkd-priority@umich.edu, ppa-greatlakes@igc.org,
Subject: Please read! The Hunger Site

Well worth a minute of your time!

-----Original Message-----
From: Mukesh Desai <mdesai@baan.com> 
Date: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 6:23 PM
Subject: Please read! The Hunger Site

THE HUNGER SITE       http://www.thehungersite.com
This is a really commendable and important website.  All you have to do is
click a button and somewhere in the world a hungry person gets a meal to
eat, at no cost to you. The food is paid for by corporate sponsors.
Donations are routed through the United Nations World Food Program. The
stats on hunger are sobering: every 3.6 seconds someone dies from hunger,
usually chronic malnutrition, yielding a total of 24,000 people a day.

All you do is go to the site and click.

You are only allowed one click per day so spread the word to others.

Michelle Miller
Pesticide Use and Risk Reduction Project
Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
University of Wisconsin - Madison

U.S. Mail: 146 Agriculture Hall	608.262.7135
Campus: 1535 Observatory Drive	608.262.5200
Madison, WI  53706		fax    265.3020
www.wisc.edu/cias/		mmmille6@facstaff.wisc.edu

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