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Re: Help-Hornets!

Dan wrote:
> I'll swap you--you give us all your hornets, you take all our fire ants.
> Sounds like a shortage of skunks.

and Larry wrote:
>Ah yes. I had forgotten.
>A powerful shop-vac on a long extension cord.
>Us the large diameter hose plus several (2 or more)
>extensions with no tip attachment. Move in on [the hornets] slowly so they get
>used to the changing air currents; then in they go. Then you can air
>freight the lot of them, vac & all, to Dan in Florida.

Note to Dan: Expect to receive shop-vac via air freight. If  vac is humming
or buzzing, DO NOT attempt to open or empty, and do not ship any fire ants
by return mail. Instead, vacuum up fire ants, and place entire violently
throbbing apparatus in Everglades or ocean. I have skunks on order.