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Re: Sustainability - A Not So Brief Definition

On Wed, 1 Sep 1999, eric + michiko wrote:

> Prompted by the recent definition of sustainable, I decided to give it a
> try.  With this definition it is obvious that the goal is not sustainable,
> but invigoration.  Let me know what you think.  
> Sustainable is one side of a continuum, unsustainable the other.  They are
> divided by a point in the middle.  At the extremes are devastation and
> invigoration.  Sustainable means that the system in question will continue
> to function at a level of vitality relative to the degree of benefit or
> destruction and disruption caused by one's actions.  Unsustainable means
> that the destruction and disruption of one's actions will not allow the
> system to continue; the system will progressively degrade, at a speed
> relative to the level of destruction and disruption of one's actions, and
> at some time cease to function.
> I hope this leaves you invigorated ; )

It did. Very nicely done.