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Nature Spirit mailing list

Nature Spirit 
new mailing list now online 

Posting ID is:

Subscribing over the web is easier than by email.
General information: http://metalab.unc.edu/london/forumdoc.txt
Access is also possible at: http://metalab.unc.edu/london

Over the web (homepage for the list):

By email: nature-spirit@franklin.oit.unc.edu
(or email me, london@metalab.unc.edu, for help)

As a secure newsgroup: news://franklin.oit.unc.edu/nature-spirit

Or add MetaLab's Lyris NNTP newsserver to your news client:
franklin.oit.unc.edu (you have to be subscribed to post
but anyone may freely read> 

Lawrence London

To Unsubscribe:  Email majordomo@ces.ncsu.edu with the command
"unsubscribe sanet-mg".  If you receive the digest format, use the command
"unsubscribe sanet-mg-digest".
To Subscribe to Digest: Email majordomo@ces.ncsu.edu with the command
"subscribe sanet-mg-digest".

All messages to sanet-mg are archived at: