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Re: New resource website on seedsaving - Please contribute

Thanks for the good work, Ute!  I have just forwarded your message to  all the agro
NGO's  and company of Brazil... I am sure this homepage will be very useful to all of


Ute Bohnsack escreveu:

> Apologies for cross-posting!
> Dear all,
> I have just put a website on-line entitled "Seedsaving and Seedsavers Resources"
> at http://homepage.tinet.ie/~merlyn/seedsaving.html
> The aim of the site is to provide a "one-stop-shop" of link resources for people
> like myself who are interested in in-situ agricultural and horticultural plant
> genetic resources and their preservation and who are looking for easy access on
> the how & why of seedsaving, on sources (world-wide) for organic, heirloom,
> open-pollinated and non-GMO seed and plants, on seed-swapping with other
> gardeners/growers, on crop and varietal information etc.
> Current headings include:
> Heirloom and OP varieties: Saving Plant Genetic Resources
> Botany, Genetics and Horticulture for Seedsavers
> Trading seeds: Seed Exchanges on the Web
> Buying heirloom seeds: Non-profit organisations
> Buying heirloom seeds: Commercial sources
> Buying organic seeds
> NGOs and GOs concerned with Plant Genetic Diversity
> Books for Seedsavers
> Supplies for Seedsavers
> The site includes links that I have collected over the past 2 years (with some
> yet to be incorporated) from the WWW, newsgroups, mailing lists etc. It is under
> construction (and always will be I guess) and hasn't been fully sorted, checked
> for dead links, geographical locations, site comments etc. I will work on that
> as time allows but I felt there was sufficient material now to 'go live'.
> If you harbour an interest in these topics I would like to ask you to take a
> look at the site and to send me anything that you think should have a place
> there.
> This includes:
> * Good solid information on Plant Genetic Resources (PGR), Intellectual Property
> Rights (IPR) etc. and NGO/GOs concerned with these matters
> * Your favourite supplier of organic/OP/non-GMO seed, particularly small,
> family-run or cooperative set-ups or non-profit organisations; WWW Bulletin
> Bords for seed swaps etc.; Suppliers need not have a website or e-mail, I will
> also incorporate addresses, Tel./Fax # where there is no webpage.
> * Your own website listing HAVE/WANTED seeds
> * Good books on the subject
> * Suppliers of equipment for seedsavers
> * Anything else that you think may be of interest.
> * Any criticism in terms of site content, layout etc. that you may have.
> Obviously if you could incorporate a link to that site in your own that would be
> much appreciated.
> I would also like to stress that this site is an individual effort by a keen
> gardener (myself). It is non-commercial and will not contain advertising. I have
> no connection whatsoever with any of the seed merchants (except I have bought of
> some of them) and will not profit in any way from this site, except for the
> satisfaction it gives me to see that more and more people are becoming aware of
> the genetic erosion in our food crops and are doing something about it.
> BTW Future projects include an unofficial Irish Sustainable Agriculture site and
> a Permaculture site.
> Thanks a lot and Happy gardening!
> Ute Bohnsack
> --
> Dipl.-Ing. TU Landschafts- und Freiraumplanung
> Ute Bohnsack
> Sailchearnach
> Clogher
> Kilfenora
> Co. Clare
> Ireland
> mailto:sustag@tinet.ie
> EN-DE-EN Naturschutz, Landschaftsplanung, Landwirtschaft
> http://www.atril.com/bin/directory.dll/1546
> ---
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