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Cover crops


Crimson Clover


Austrian Winter Pea 

rye grain + tall sweet clover (biennial - yellow and white) which grow
well together, planted in late summer, early Fall.
I don't know what TSC does if planted this time of the year but if sown
now with rye and it (TSC) germinates in Spring it will come up nicely
within the rye taking off from winter dormancy for flush of spring growth.
Its a vigouous grower despite shading and will overtake the rye, maturing
as the rye dies down and isn't bothered by allelopathic. TSC is very deep
rooted and fixes more nitrogen than any other clover. In second year of
growth it really takes off and puts out lots of seed. Harvesting for
forage or plowing it under before this should easily prevent it from
become a problem weed. I think there's an ATTRA bulletin on cover crops
that recommends planting rye grain and TSC together.

Lawrence F. London, Jr. -+|+- Venaura Farm
london@metalab.unc.edu   lflondon@worldnet.att.net
http://metalab.unc.edu/london, /permaculture, /ecolandtech
EcoLandTech -+|+- InterGarden -+|+- Permaculture

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