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Re: GMO stuff for Guy

Lawrence F. London, Jr. -+|+- Venaura Farm
london@metalab.unc.edu   lflondon@worldnet.att.net
http://metalab.unc.edu/london, /permaculture, /ecolandtech
EcoLandTech -+|+- InterGarden -+|+- Permaculture

On Thu, 5 Aug 1999, Ute Bohnsack wrote:

> No, not OK. Larry.
> With all due respect. I agree that the GMO issue should not be threshed out on
> this list. BUT I think that Toby's playing the devil's advocate is useful
> because in any discussion that we may enter into with the Monsanto & Co. guys
> exactly those points that Toby made will be raised and we should be ready for
> them.

Read what I wrote. I was not commenting on Toby's post, which I thought
was very useful. It was the reply by Greg E. Read what Greg E wrote and
see if you don't feel, as I do, that perpetuation a thread on that topic
would be an utter waste of our _valuable_ time. 

Now of you'd rather toil and boil on about pro/anti pesticide use on into
the sunset let me know, I'll take a poll of list subscribers. 
I for one would much rather LEARN ABOUT PC and continue the great
discussions we've seen here lately. I feel sure that many of the valued
contributors to this list would too.

> And, please, nobody on these lists should be called an idiot. And particularly
> not someone whose second name starts with an H and ends on emenway.

I'm "keepin me gob shut" (tnx Peter Wibberly) about that little trinket
of crass hypocrisy, Ute. :-)  <----- Note Smiley. Dan's off on a teaching
junket so I guess he's powerless to respond anyway.


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