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Re: Pond construction ideas needed (for FranksFarm)

In a message dated 8/3/99 5:44:39 PM, london@metalab.unc.edu writes:

<<Speaking of books and libraries, who in this list is into
collecting (hounding :-) publications on ag, landscaping, gardening,
permaculture? I'm into it in a big way and have a huge library of books
and mags. I know Scott is into this also, and I hear Bill Mollison is
also. Others?>>  Ha...you have found me out. I too have quite a collection. 
Someday I might even decide to sell some:)

Many are out of print too. Lots of old OG,TMEN mags etc.  I'm a real hoarder 

Ladino Clover...Greg... white ladino clover seed is real expensive down here. 
I think it was over $3 a lb...but I might be wrong...just recall it was 
expensive! I know it's lighter, and has more seed per lb.  but I'd rather 
find a substitute at lower $$. Any suggestions? 

Lawrence... watch out Kudzu is banned in many states. It can really take 
over; chokes out natives etc.

I know about it's protein content, fodder value...but I'd hate to get behind 
on controlling it. I'm told goats like it.

Lespedeza.. <<Just broadcast it or drill it - make sure it gets planted at 
the right
depth, i.e. shallow, I think>>  Now just how do you ensure that if you simply 
broadcast it. Or are you talking about broadcasting after you have a nice 
prepared field?

Right now grass has gone to seed, really weedy in some areas.  How do I best 
establish Lespedeza in such fields? Seems that you'd really need to broadcast 
heavily, and hope that it takes. Wouldn't growth be real spotty? 

Back to the pond...<<Water channelling using a KeyLine plow could increase
the area the water reaches - this could be redone from time to time.>>  
Please explain? are these plows available here? are they worth the investment?

Unfortunately some areas are above pond so water would need to be pumped up 

Got to go.  Thanks for the post and URL's.   Frank