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BAD NEWS website address for Permaculture International

I rang the institute last friday as i had the same troubles myself -
many people ask me for help and i usually direct then to the global
Rachael returned my call on Monday.
she said there should be a page that comes up and tells you they will be off
line until
she also told me that the Institute is UNLIKELY to publish the Global
on line as it prefers to sell hard copies.
this is not in line with fair share and share of surplus as far as i am
People like me offer our addresses free of charge.  These people are
prepared to be
telephoned, emailed, visited etc.  We do a lot of voluntary work for

The proposal to make the global directory accessable only on print and add
the costs of postage PLUS
the delay of delivery, will make it impossible for many enquirers.
Many people may actually pay the $15 plus postage, wait for delivery to find
it has NO addresses in their locality.

I have offered to share my webspace. any other suggestions welcomed at this
I can do nothing more from here.
If you too think it is unfair - email them. mailto:pcjournl@nor.com.au

I have built up a very successful Permaculture teaching program through
shear generosity.  Generosity pays.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lawrence F. London, Jr. [mailto:lflondon@worldnet.att.net]
> Sent: Monday, 26 July 1999 8:46
> To: permaculture
> Subject: Re: Need Website address for Permaculture International
> On Mon, 26 Jul 1999 08:31:06 +0930, "Wesley Trotman"
> <trotmanw@camtech.net.au> wrote:
> >Hmm I think they had some trouble in keeping it going, their email is
> >pij@nor.com.au. Try surfing around in www.eartlink.com.au, they
> may have it.
>  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> [Marsha: You might try this email ID. LL]
> >Regaards
> >Wes. Trotman
> >Lawrence F. London, Jr. <lflondon@worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
> >news:3798871b.17402015@netnews.worldnet.att.net...
> >> Anyone know where Permaculture International is?
> >> I thought I saw someone post their URL recently in this newsgroup.
> >> The URL I have now doesn't work.
> ---
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